The data considered valid for the immediate prediction of the Tokai Earthquake aretelemetered to the Meteorology Agency and checked 24 hours a day. The MeteorologyAgency processes these data as part of a comprehensive observation system on earthquake activities.
If abnormal data are observed, indicating the possibility of a great earthquake, the Secretary of the Meteorology Agency reports the ethquake prediction informationin accordance with the Meteorological Law. Moreover, the Judging Committee for Anti- Earthquake and Disaster Areas was set up in August 1979 to judge whether these data should be considered signs of the Tokai Earthquake.
The president of the Judging Committee convenes the committee as soon as the Secretary of the Meteorology Agency demands it in view of the results of analysis of data deviating from the norm, or when he himself considers it necessary.
Meetings of the Judging Committee are held 8 times a year to keep up to date on ordinary earthquake activities and crust movements, in order to be able to judge signs of abnormality.
cf. list of members of the Judging Committee
president Megumi MIZOUE, Professor at the Earthquake Research Centre, University of Tokyo
Tokuji UTSU, Emeritus professor of the University of Tokyo
Hiroshi ISHII, Professor at the Earthquake Research Center, University of Tokyo
Katsumasa ABE, Professor at the Earthquake Research Center, University of Tokyo
Yoshimori HONKURA, Professor of the Faculty of Science, Technological University of Tokyo